Silver Spoon Hospitality Academy’s key focus is to enhancing initial education and training in the tourism related areas, up skilling the existing tourism workforce and building more effective partnerships as set in the Tourism Human Resources Strategy 2011 and at the same time assist the Namibian Hospitality Industry based strategies that support government’s national policy goals located in Vision 2030, NDP4 and the National Human Resources Plan 2010 – 2025 of Namibia for inclusive growth and development of the country. by creating a well-trained workforce to grow the T&H sector.
One of the major aims will be to give school leavers with grade 10 education and not necessarily with a certificate, an opportunity to obtain skills training so that they can be integrated into a mainstream job opportunity with objectives.
Silver Spoon Hospitality Academy is situated in the Old Power Station in Windhoek. It is privately owned by the well-known hotelier, Mr. Tom Mutavdzic, who has 50 years’ experience in the hospitality business. He started his career in South Africa and furthered his education in Switzerland for 7 years.
He was the Managing Director of the Canyon Hotel for 21 years and is a director of the Lüderitz Nest Hotel.
He was a founder member of HAN (Hospitality Association of Namibia) and chairman for 3 years.
He was the president of the Namibian Chef Association for 4 years. He accompanied the Namibian National Chefs team to Abu Dhabi. He represented the Namibian Chef’s Association on various WACS (World Association of Chefs) meetings in Mauritius and Egypt.
The school is internationally accredited by City & Guild of London, as well as the Namibian Qualifications Authority.
The school is also affiliated to Chef MLK School of cooking in South Africa.
He has worked for 50 years in the hospitality industry. He is international trained in Food & Beverage.
Food & Beverage facilitator: Tom Mutavdzic.
Registered facilitator and qualified assessor.
Terry started his career in 1990 as a Chef at ML Sultan Hotel School.
He represented South Africa in the World Pastry Cup in Lyon, France in 1995.
Registered facilitator and qualified assessor.
Mrs. Nolan qualified as Food Service Manger from the WITS Technikon in 1997.
She is a registered facilitator, assessor and moderator.
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